Friday, June 21, 2013

Sabar Yang Panjang

YA ALLAH....ada ketikanya aku tidak mampu menolak takdir walaupun segunung usaha telah dilakukan. Sabar adalah ajaran dan suruhan Mu yang sememangnya amat kuat dan hebat, ada kalanya manusia itu rapuh mencabar diri. Hebatnya dugaan Mu ada ketikanya menakutkan, mengoncang haluan, menerkam keyakinan malah mengecil, menyendirikan dan terpencil dalam masyarakat. Laluan sabar yang panjang dalam kesunyian teman dan sahabat terus meninggal pergi melata menerkam peluang, namun aku masih di sini.

Aku berbeza, tidak berada tidak dipandang, kegagahan antara kuat dan lemah cuba merubah yang ada namun tahu kehebatan diri tidak sama dan nasib manusia berbeza-beza. Ketika rapuh aku biarkan sebulatnya kepada Mu, aku mengeluh rasa, bukan semua termampu, yang hebat kerana yang tersurat dari tersirat adalah rahsia besar sememangnya luar upaya dan rapuh mengetahui semuanya.

Berlalu bersama usia, dalam jangka antara perlu dan tidak, melemparkan diri bersahaja dinilai penuh dalam kepentingan hasil untung pulangan berganda, aku terus redah bersahaja dinding mana yang tertembus. Pengalaman dinilai rakus tanpa sedikit faham atau berani untuk cuba menerima seadanya, sopan aku tidak bermakna bagi kapitalis yang hebat, kerja aku menerima penjurian berbeza jangkaan mereka untuk merasa peluang ataupun tidak. Projek dunia dan kerja manusia itu dipandang utama, tetapi aku terasa terkena bilasannya, dinilai tidak seluas ilmu tetapi semuanya bukan ada tumpangan manusia sekecil aku.

Semoga tiba hari ini dan masa menuai hasil dari kepayahan, kesabaran dan kekurangan. Pandangan sisi kalian tiada rasa lagi dalam hati, aku redha biarlah mereka menilai, rezeki adalah pemberian, aku akui tidak sekali mendabik dada megah...ianya bukan aku. Aku rapuh dan kerdil, usaha ini aku turuti semampu ada dari rahsia-rahsia, petunjuk dan keyakinan. Redha waktu berlalu juga dalam kurang berada, namun diri digagahkan jua mengisi membina diri maju bersama.

Bersedia kepada professional, melihat dan bergerak mencapai misi diri dan visi kami untuk membangun gagah dan kukuh bersama-sama di kedepan hari. Inovasi tunjang membawa perubahan terus kehadapan, bersama kreativiti merangsang pembaharuan membina cerdik kerja dalam kemajuan. Objektif makin hampir terpasak mencapai harapan, yang terpendam moga terlihat dan termakbul megah pada projek mercu tanda kerja yang gagah menjadi saksi dan bukti bahawa aku akan berjaya dari kesabaran yang panjang... insyaAllah.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Menjaga Apa Yang Ada

Adakalanya kita harus memikirkan jangkaan terhadap perkara masa hadapan yang mungkin berlaku walaupun kita tidak mahu keburukkan dalam hidup. Ini sebagai peringatan memberi kesedaran agar sentiasa mengambil tindakkan sepatutnya. Sememangnya kita tidak mahu ini berlaku namun sudah ada pelan reda pada qada dan qadar Tuhan. Sejarah silam mengajar dari kegagalan dan masalah, semuanya bukan diminta tetapi boleh kembali berlaku dengan cara berlainan. Keinsafan dahulu dan kesedaran kini hanya untuk kebaikkan kini dan masa hadapan, kita tidak mampu melawan takdir tetapi kita mampu mohon dihindarkan. Kenal kekuatan dan kelemahan diri bertujuan untuk mendekati dan mencari hikmah disebaliknya.  Sesungguhnya apa yang ada kini cukup rasa syukur tidak sekali dilupakan sebagai rasa tanggung jawap atas apa yang lebih dan kurang. Hanya doa dan keberkatan dipohon atas yang baik semasa hidup, sentiasa terpelihara berada di bawah perhatian dan pertolongan dijauhi keburukkan.  Akhirnya dapat merasa keistimewaan dan kejayaan hidup.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Konflik Insan

Dalam menjaga perhubungan sesama manusia, apabila kita sukar menyelesaikan masalah dengan orang lain selepas gagal dengan segala usaha maka sampai peringkatnnya kita harus berserah kepada Tuhan menguruskannya. Ini adalah cara terbaik untuk mengelak konflik menjadi lebih serius dan buntu mencari penyelesaian. Tindakkan manusia ada waktunya lebih tegas dan keras, adakalanya mencapai ke tahap sukar dan luar kawal kerana kesabaran manusia ada batasan serta setengah tindakkan itu sukar diterima atau difahami pihak lain. Oleh itu, tindakkan dan perancangan Tuhan lebih sempurna dengan cara penyelesaian yang adil.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Oleh : Tuan Guru Dr. Abdul Manam B. Mohamad al-Merbawi
Jabatan Usuluddin, Fakulti Pengajian Kontemporari Islam, UniSZA
Tarekat Qodiriyah Naqshabandiyah


Melihat kepada matlamat pengamalan zikir, para ulama tasawwuf membahagikannya kepada dua bahagian iaitu zikir hasanah dan zikir darajah. Zikir hasanah ialah zikir yang dilakukan bertujuan mendapatkan ganjaran atau pahala di sisi Allah di akhirat nanti. Manakala zikir darajah pula ialah zikir yang dilakukan bertujuan membersihkan hati, meningkatkan tahap kejernihan dan membuang hijab-hijabnya sehingga tercapai ma`rifah secara mushahadah (pandangan matahati), di mana ia bukan semata-mata mengharapkan ganjaran pahala di sisi Allah.

Oleh itu perbezaan utama di antara zikir hasanah dan zikir darajah adalah terletak pada tujuan zikir itu dilakukan. Zikir hasanah bertujuan mendapatkan ganjaran pahala daripada Allah di akhirat, dan zikir darajah pula bertujuan menyucikan rohani serta membuang berbagai hijabnya. Selain itu, terdapat beberapa ciri lain yang membezakan di antara kedua-dua jenis zikir tersebut. Antaranya ialah zikir darajat itu dilaksanakan dengan hemah (semangat) yang tinggi disertai dengan kesungguhan dan istiqamah serta tumpuan diberikan kepada menghadirkan makna-makna zikir yang antara caranya ialah melaksanakan kaifiyyat-kaifiyyat tertentu. Begitu juga cara bagaimana zikir itu diterima dan diperturunkan. Zikir darajat memerlukan bay`ah, talqin dan irshad daripada murshid. Manakala zikir hasanah tidak memerlukan semua ini.

Zikir darajah inilah yang dinamakan oleh ahli tasawwuf sebagai zikir tarekat. Ia bukanlah zikir yang pelik, asing, tidak pernah didengari dan sebagainya, tetapi ia adalah zikir yang diwarisi dan difokuskan untuk penyucian hati dan mencapai ma`rifah dan seterusnya mendapat reda Allah dengan kaifiyyat dan persyaratan tertentu seperti yang digariskan oleh para ulama tasawwuf.

Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir `Isa menamakan zikir hasanah sebagai zikir umum manakala zikir darajah sebagai zikir khusus. Menurut beliau, zikir umum itu ialah zikir ganjaran dan pahala, iaitu seseorang itu berzikir mengingati Tuhannya dengan apa-apa bentuk zikir yang dikehendakinya, namun dia masih kekal dalam sifat-sifat kecelaan dirinya. Manakala zikir khusus pula ialah zikir hudur, iaitu seseorang itu berzikir mengingati Tuhannya dengan zikir-zikir tertentu dengan sifat (kaifiyyat) tertentu bertujuan mencapai ma`rifah terhadap Allah, dengan membersihkan dirinya dari semua sifat kecelaan serta menghiasinya dengan semua sifat kemuliaan, dan bertujuan melepaskan diri daripada kegelapan kebendaan serta ingin mendapatkan rahsia-rahsia kerohanian.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Kenangan Ramadhan....kembali semuanya.

Begitu lama tidak mengaktifkan blog ini terasa begitu kecewa, banyak perkara telah berlaku dan dilalui disepanjang tempoh tersebut atas sebab-sebab yang tidak disengajakan, dan juga masa dan ruang tidak memberi saya peluang untuk membuat paparan baru. Hampir setahun senyap tanpa sebaris ayat atau sepatah kata untuk dikongsi, semoga selepas ini ada kemampuan untuk berblog kembali.

Hari ini, dipertengahan Ramadhan semakin kita hampir ke fasa-fasa seterusnya yang mesti dilalui selama sebulan, segalanya akan bergerak menutup bulan yang hebat lagi berkat. Menjengah kembali dari pengalaman Ramadhan tahun yang lalu semua aktiviti dilakukan dengan penuh harapan dan kesungguhan dari dalam diri tanpa sesiapa yang tahu daya usaha ini.

Mencuri beribadah untuk diisi kedalam diri yang dirasa tidak penuh amal dan ilmu, maka bertahun dahulu dari kesedaran itu saya telah memulakan sedaya mungkin tanpa siapa berdamping kecuali keluarga yang melihat dan memahaminya. Berkali cuba diri ini merangkak, menyingkap helai quran dan menyebut setiap huruf dan kataNya dengan rasa sekadar mampu untuk cuma ketahui sahaja. Cubaan ini adakalanya berjaya dan ada juga gagal untuk dikhatamkan dalam sesingkat sebulan itu.

Bermula di rumah dan menjengah ke masjid selain solat terawikh, dilewat malamnya diakhir sepuluh hari yang indah itu aku kuatkan semangat dan azam ingin mencuba melakukan yang begitu ramai inginkan. Sekadar melakukan mengikut tahap diri kita siapa dan apa aras kita maka itulah juga waktu akan diulang-ulang setiap Ramadhan. Diri ini bukan hebat dan bukan seorang istimewa, hanya manusia biasa berkejar dan berlari mencari dalam dan luar rahsia tubuh yang dibalut hayat selagi ada.

Waktu-waktu malam Ramadhan diakhirnya sungguh nyaman, bergerak sendiri menuju ke destinasi diwaktu dingin penghujung malam menumpang jemaah dan saf yang matang bersama-sama berkiamulaii. Pengalaman bersama, begitu merasa kelebihan turut serta dalam samar gelap dewan masjid semuanya  itu telah bermula. Kesempatan yang biasa hanya di dua masjid, beriktikaf walaupun kadang-kadang terasa malu mampukah atau bolehkah aku melalui ini semua.

Sambil mengaji kebiasaan tangan jari menitip tasbih yang saban tahun menjadi teman rapat dalam kerja begini, hanya tasbih itu sahaja menjadi saksi setiap peristiwa sebegini. Anyaman jari menilik satu-persatu anak tasbih yang ku cuba ia dari suara tertanam dihati berdamping ke fikiran mengalir ke seluruh jasad bersama dengan dengupan jantung di situ adanya nyawa dan segala keistimewaan diri. Aras mana diri ini tidak aku ketahui adakala salah dan dosa berlaku juga walaupun kebaikkan dan ibadah mampu dilakukan.

Di penghujung malam hari sepuluh terakhir itu, dari pengalaman berada diawal tengah malam sebelum esoknya semua penghuni akan mula bergerak dan merancang keluar dari kota ini, aku cuba beriktikaf seawal pagi namun terhalang oleh penjaga masjid telah menyapa menerjah seolah terjejas keselamatan dalam rumah Allah itu. Aku patuh turut dan bangkit sedih meninggalkan malam dalam sesal, malah sesal ku bertambah kerana peneman tasbih yang ku genggam sekian lama bersama telah hilang tanpa disedari, apakah mungkin tertinggal dan jatuh di jalan semasa perjalanan keluar.

Tiba-tiba perasaan terasa marah, geram, sedih, kenapa? salah kah aku duduk di sini dan kenapa harus dikunci pintu masjid di hujung Ramadhan.... Maka sebab itu lah tasbih aku hilang, tangan dan jari terasa cacat tiada mampu kudrat ini hilang teman rapatnya. Hanya dia menjadi rakan sentiasa mendampingi aku di mana sahaja dari sekian lama, ianya terlalu istimewa hingga ke hari ini masih terasa dan aku merinduinya. Bila datang ingatan kepada tasbih aku sedih dan resah rindu dan risau bagaimana keadaannya dan di mana.

Waktu disiang harinya aku cuba mengulangi tempat duduk ku dalam rumah Allah itu, mencari jika ada tertinggal, aku murung senyap sambil mata liar mencari di sekitar hingga ke jalan luar. Sebelum bergerak ke luar menuju itu, aku tahu ianya sudah hilang tidak mungkin dapat kembali. Hati amat sedihhh... aku kehilangannya hingga kehari ini tiada penganti yang sebati dengan mulut, hati dan jari, keselesaanya berbeza, khusyuknya tidak sama, itulah rapatnya lebih dari semua sahabat hanya dia sahabat aku mencari dan mendekati untuk kenal kepada Tuhannya.

Ramadhan ini adalah kenangan dari cerita lalu dan hidup lalu, hari ini ada cerita baru dan hidup baru berganti walaupun tidak sama. Aku reda dengan kehidupan yang telah aku usahakan selama ini, takat yang dimiliki ada bersama biar moga harapan semuanya untuk lebih dan berjaya, tetapi bukanlah kuasa diri sendiri menentukan pemberian rezeki segalanya aku tawakal selepas usaha berharap hasil yang diberi hanya Tuhan yang tahu bila, bagaimana, dimana dan banyak mana. Pintu rezeki ini kita hanya mampu usaha dan mohon namun pemberi lebih tahu. Semoga hari seterusnya selepas Ramadhan ini akan lebih ceria di bawah berkat dan cita-cita dari Tuhannya.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Goal Setting – Powerful Written Goals in 6 Easy Steps

The car is packed and you’re ready to go, your first ever cross-country trip. From the White Mountains of New Hampshire to the rolling hills of San Francisco, you’re going to see it all.
You put the car in gear and off you go. First stop, the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. A little while into the trip you need to check the map because you’ve reached an intersection you’re not familiar with. You panic for a moment because you realize you’ve forgotten your map.

But you say the heck with it because you know where you’re going. You take a right, change the radio station and keep on going. Unfortunately, you never reach your destination. Too many of us treat goal setting the same way. We dream about where we want to go,
but we don’t have a map to get there.

What is a map? In essence, the written word. What is the difference between a dream and a goal? Once again, the written word.

But we need to do more then simply scribble down some ideas on a piece of paper. Our goals need to be complete and focused, much like a road map, and that is the purpose behind the rest of this article.

If you follow the 7 steps I’ve outlined below you will be well on your way to becoming an expert in building the road maps to your goals.

1. Make sure the goal you are working for is something you really want, not just something that sounds good.

I remember when I started taking baseball umpiring more seriously. I began to set my sites on the NCAA Division 1 level. Why? I new there was no way I could get onto the road to the major leagues, so the next best thing was the highest college level. Pretty cool, right. Wrong. Sure, when I was talking to people about my umpiring goals it sounded pretty good, and many people where quite impressed. Fortunately I began to see through my own charade. I have been involved in youth sports for a long time. I’ve coached, I’ve been the President of leagues, I’ve been a treasurer and I’m currently a District Commissioner for Cal Ripken Baseball. Youth sports is where I belong, it is where my heart belongs, not on some college diamond where the only thing at stake is a high draft spot. When setting goals it is very important to remember that your goals must be consistent with your values.

2. A goal can not contradict any of your other goals.

For example, you can’t buy a $750,000 house if your income goal is only $50,000 per year. This is called non-integrated thinking and will sabotage all of the hard work you put into your goals. Non-integrated thinking can also hamper your everyday thoughts as well. We should continually strive to eliminate contradictory ideas from our thinking.

3. Develop goals in the 6 areas of life:

· Family and Home
· Financial and Career
· Spiritual and Ethical
· Physical and Health
· Social and Cultural
· Mental and Educational

Setting goals in each area of life will ensure a more balanced life as you begin to examine and change the fundamentals of everyday living. Setting goals in each area of live also helps in eliminating the non-integrated thinking we talked about in the second step.

4. Write your goal in the positive instead of the negative.

Work for what you want, not for what you want to leave behind. Part of the reason why we write down and examine our goals is to create a set of instructions for our subconscious mind to carry out. Your subconscious mind is a very efficient tool, it can not determine right from wrong and it does not judge. It’s only function is to carry out its instructions. The more positive instructions you give it, the more positive results you will get. Thinking positively in everyday life will also help in your growth as a human being. Don’t limit it to goal setting.

5. Write your goal out in complete detail.

Instead of writing “A new home,” write “A 4,000 square foot contemporary with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths and a view of the mountain on 20 acres of land. Once again we are giving the subconscious mind a detailed set of instructions to work on. The more information you give it, the more clearer the final outcome becomes. The more precise the outcome, the more efficient the subconscious mind can become. Can you close your eyes and visualize the home I described above? Walk around the house. Stand on the porch off the master bedroom and see the fog lifting off the mountain. Look down at the garden full of tomatoes, green beans and cucumbers. And off to the right is the other garden full of a mums, carnations and roses. Can you see it? So can your subconscious mind.

6. By all means, make sure your goal is high enough.

Shoot for the moon, if you miss you’ll still be in the stars. Earlier I talked about my umpiring goals and how making it to the top level of college umpiring did not mix with my values. Some of you might be saying that I’m not setting my goals high enough. Not so. I still have very high goals for my umpiring career at the youth level. My ultimate goal is to be chosen to umpire a Babe Ruth World Series and to do so as a crew chief. If I never make it, everything I do to reach that goal will make me a better umpire and a better person. If I make it, but don’t go as a crew chief, then I am still among the top youth umpires in the nation. Shoot for the moon!

So your goals are written down.

Now what? First of all, unless someone is critical to helping you achieve your goal(s), do not freely share your goals with others. The negative attitude from friends, family and neighbors can drag you down quickly. It’s very important that your self-talk (the thoughts in your head) are positive.

Reviewing your goals daily is a crucial part of your success and must become part of your routine. Each morning when you wake up read your list of goals that are written in the positive. Visualize the completed goal, see the new home, smell the leather seats in your new car, feel the cold hard cash in your hands. Then each night, right before you go to bed, repeat the process. This process will start both your subconscious and conscious mind on working towards the goal. This will also begin to replace any of the negative self-talk you may have and replace it with positive self-talk.

Every time you make a decision during the day, ask yourself this question, “Does it take me closer to, or further from my goal.” If the answer is “closer to,” then you’ve made the right decision. If the answer is “further from,” well, you know what to do. If you follow this process everyday you will be on your way to achieving unlimited success in every aspect of your life. Good luck!

copy and share from Gene Donohue

Friday, October 14, 2011

Running Workouts for Middle and Long Distance Runners.

The running workouts described below are for an experienced runner. You shouldn't be doing these workouts if you are new to running, or you haven't been running in a long time. For beginners, I suggest the Start Walking, Get Running, Lose Weight Plan.

Remember that if you are going to run one of these workouts, always run a warm up and stretch before. Also, do a cool down after you finished. Also, remember to always focus on improving your running form as you workout.

Below are the quick links. Keep on reading for a brief description of each workout. If you are not in good shape, I recommend a beginner running program. The workouts described here are for people who can handle a distance run easily.

1. Long Run
2. Tempo Run
3. Fartlek or "Speed Play."
4. Hill Run
5. Hill Extension
6. Progressive Run
7. Intervals
* 1 Mile Repeats
* 4x400m with less rest
* 300m hard, 100m easy
* Mixed Distance Intervals
* Walk and Run Middle Distance Workout

Want a little more information before checking out a workout. Great. Knowledge is Power.

1. The Long Run should be a part of any distance runner's weekly training program. Make sure you follow a few simple steps to ensure your long runs will help you instead of hurt you.

2. The Tempo Run is a classic workout that many great runners incorporate into their weekly routine. It's a run that is fast, but controlled.

3. The Fartlek or "Speed Play" workout mixes a distance run with an interval workout. You run continuously but you mix up the pace. At different times during your run, you pick it up and hold a faster pace for an extended period of time. You slow down back to regular pace, and then pick it up again.

4. The Hill Run is a staple of many distance runners. You can build endurance and speed at the same time. This workout can be done by running up and down the same hill, or you can find a hilly course to traverse.

5. The Hill Extension is like a traditional hill run except for you pick up the pace after you crest the hill. You need to find a hill that flattens out at the top for 100 to 200 meters to perform this workout.

6. The Progressive Run is an incredibly tough workout. You go for a distance run that starts slow, but gets faster every mile. The last mile of the run should be just below your race pace. It's very brutal, but could give you the confidence and tenacity to finish your races strong.

7. Running Intervals is a very traditional approach to hard workouts. You run a set distance or time, rest, and then repeat. There are many different interval workouts, including the three below.

* Running 1 Mile Repeats is a classic interval workout. You can run this workout slower than 5k/10k race pace with short rest, or a little quicker than race pace with equal recovery.

* The 4x400m to find your 1500m pace workout is geared specifically towards the 1500 meter run. You run four 400 meter intervals with less rest between each 400m. Whatever your total time was for the four 400m should give you a good idea on what you can run a 1500 meter race in.

* 300m hard, 100m easy continuous run is a workout that can be adjusted to any race between the 1500 meter run to the 10k. The 300 meters are run just below your goal race pace, and then you jog 100 meters. You repeat this as many times as it takes to get to your race distance.

* Mixed Distance Intervals involve running longer intervals slower than race pace followed by short intervals faster than race pace. You can adjust this workout for a 10k all the way down to an 800.

* The Walk and Run Middle Distance Workout
is based upon having an active recovery during an interval workout. Instead of standing around between intervals, you have to walk a certain distance in a certain amount of time before the next running period.

The list of workouts above are great to add your routine. However, if you are running a marathon and want the best plan from day one of training to race day, I highly recommend the 100 Day Marathon Plan. You can see how to schedule your workouts, plan your race day, learn your optimal pace and more.

source: tips4running

Train for marathon running - Have a great plan so you can run a great race.

It is a tall task. How do I train for marathon running? How can I make sure I will be able to cross that finish line 26.2 miles away? Even for me, a person who runs more than five times a week, a marathon is a daunting task, but it is possible.

There is a reason every year millions of people train to complete a marathon. People were meant to run, and completing a marathon can be one of the best accomplishments you might achieve in your lifetime. I'm here to help you get there. These are my top tips4running a marathon. If you want more information on each step, just keep reading for all the details. For the serious competitors, you can see what times will qualify you for the Boston Marathon right here.

1. Follow a training program! tips 4 running recommends The 100 Day Marathon Plan. It's the best program out there today.
2. Get a running partner, or surround yourself by supportive people.
3. Use patience when running.
4. Make running a priority.
5. Set some smart running goals.

So you want the details on each step? Fantastic. To train for marathon running takes physical and mental strength, and knowledge is power.

1. The first and by far the most important step to train for marathon running is to have a plan to follow. The best thing out there right now is The 100 Day Marathon Plan created by former Olympic Distance Runner Marius Bakken. I actually received an advanced copy of this plan. After reading it, I contacted Marius and you can read the 100 day marathon plan interview here. The best part about this plan is it builds you up gradually towards completing a marathon at your goal time. You go from training for a 5k, to a 10k, and then focus on the marathon, all within 100 days. More information on the training plan is below.

Running without a plan is planning to fail. You have to put trust in what you are doing, and then bravely step foot on your exciting journey. Here are a few reasons why I really like the 100 Day Marathon Plan. It eliminates any guesswork. You'll know exactly what you have to do in your day-to-day training. It prepares you for things you didn't consider, like what shoes are right for you, or how much water or sports drink you should consume during the race. I wouldn't recommend it if it wasn't the best program out there.

2. The next step is to have some friends that run with you. You can find people to do this by joining a running club, or asking a friend or family member to train with you. They don't have to run the marathon with you, but someone to ride a bike along your side, or run with you occasionally will help you stay motivated.
There are going to be many days where you will need help from others. Getting a running partner or a support group as you train for marathon running is vital. Don't underestimate the importance of teamwork even within your individual goals.

3. Be patient in your training. Getting in shape to run even one mile can take time. Don't expect to run a marathon after one week or even one month of training. Matter of fact, if you end up getting injured from running, your aerobic training doesn't have to stop. You can swim, bike, or cross train to keep your fitness level up. Then when you are healthy enough to run again, you'll pick up where you left off. Running is a lifestyle sport, so don't stop running after you completed your first marathon. Go for another, or just run for fun!
Sometimes, people think running a marathon is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It doesn't have to be this way. If you get into the sport of running, you can run many different races and events. Completing one marathon is a crowning achievement, but sticking with the sport of running for your continued well being is even better. If you run consistently, it won't be nearly as difficult to train for marathon running.

4. We all lead busy lives. Make running or working out a part of your every day routine. Don't let other things get in your way. You should schedule around running, instead of trying to find a way to schedule a run in. I have to get up before work sometimes to get my run in. I always notice on those days, my overall mood is better even if I am a bit tired or sore.
Even the most self-less individuals need to be a little selfish at times. Get out there for your training, clear your head of any distractions, and enjoy your time. You'll be surprised at how much more focused and helpful you will be to others if you just take a little time for yourself.

5. Finally, set some smart goals. Having a written goal on what you want to accomplish will keep you focused. Have your ultimate goal visible. Post it on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror. Then make weekly goals that will get you closer and closer to that goal.

I hope these tips help you commit to train for marathon running. Get yourself on a good marathon training schedule. There is no better time than the present to work towards accomplishing something amazing. When will you get started?

- Written by David Tiefenthaler

Benefits of Running - "Why Run ? "

What are the benefits of running - as compared to other sports. And what should you be aware of when building up your running ?

This small piece is based on an email I received through this site from a visitor.
She asked :

I was wondering if running is a good thing for me to do. I use to run track in middle school and in high school, now I am 30 ish and I wanted to know if I would be a good fit to run.
The Benefits of Running

This is why running may be one of the best forms of exercise you can pick.

Top 4 reasons :

  1. Using a wide range of muscles - in a natural manner. This is unique to running. Our natural way of movement is through walking/running. What seems to be the case in running is that runners get a natural tone of the muscles. As oppose to for example cyclists where some muscle groups tend to get overly worked and the stress unevenly distributed (especially to localized muscles of the quad and lower legs)

  1. Working both elasticity and muscular contractions. With running you need to adapt to dealing with about 3 times your bodyweight in each landing. Now, this impact needs to be absorbed by your muscles, ligaments and tendons more so than any other endurance sport. You can easily go for a long swim or a long ride on your bike, 2-3 hours at a good pace, but with running - 30 minutes at that intensity will make you feel alot more tired. This is probably caused by the complexity of the running movement ; which in reality is a matter of body control/balance in the landing, elasticity from the tendons, fast dynamic muscle contractions and of course the metabolic component/delivery of oxygen to the working muscles. This fine tuned system, working at full speed demands more from the body than any other endurance sport. The benefits of this running effect ? More effective training is less minutes.

  2. Endorphins and a "well being". Studies has shown that running (at any intensity) has the same effect as drugs on moderate depression. Likely, this is because by all these different systems working together - and implementing a great hormonal responds within the body. This psychological effect should not be underestimated.

  3. Effectiveness. 30 minutes is enough, especially when done at the "right intensity" in a proper plan.
What to Be Aware Of - Despite the Benefits of Running

Now, there are some precautions when it comes to running, though the benefits. These are :
  1. Injury control. As a runner you need to take more care of injuries vs other endurance sports with less shock in the landing. This is especially true about the achilles and the knee. Studies show that those who have to stop running, 17 % is due to achilles problems and 9 % knee injuries. In addition to that, almost 40 % of injuries come early in a training cycle - meaning when you have had a "rest" period or when you just started training as a runner. Therefore, start easy when you run !

  2. Alternate easy and hard training days and intensity control. Because of the large impact on the legs, overtraining is easier on running than many other sports. This, however, can easily be avoided by alternating easy and hard training days and keeping the intensity right (see heart rate training and overtraining)

  3. Pick good "equipment" I have more and more respect for this one - without proper shoes you will be destined to injuries. I have written a piece about that here best marathon shoes.
If you are just starting running you may also want to alternate running and walking in the beginning. Check out this one for that couch to 5k.

source: Marius Bakken

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Setiap manusia akan bersahabat dan berkumpulan, ini tidak dinafikan adalah keperluan bagi semua manusia yang hidup, selagi kita hidup selagi itulah kita akan berteman, berkawan, berkeluarga, bersaudara seterusnya bermasyarakat dan berjemaah. Kita adalah individu, jemaah dan ahlinya. Dalam kehidupan, manusia akan sentiasa berhubung dan berinteraksi, mustahil jika hidup seorang diri dan berjaya tanpa memerlukan orang lain. Prinsip kehidupan adalah bermasyarakat, berkerja dan berkomunikasi demi mencari keperluan hidup. Oleh itu, semua manusia akan melakukannya untuk diri sendiri, keluarga, kumpulan dan apa juga organisasi.

Berlakulah perbagai aktiviti dalam hidup, semuanya mendorong kita saling untuk tolong-menolong dan berkerjasama, seterusnya berlakulah perkongsian dalam hidup. Perkongsian berlaku dalam pelbagai cara, samada kemahiran, tenaga, teknologi, kebijaksanaan dan kepimpinan. Silaturrahim adalah asas persaudaraan sesama manusia untuk mencapai kata sepakat dan kerjasama. Manusia memerlukan persefahaman dan persetujuan bersama untuk kejayaan dan mencapai kecemerlangan. Dari asas inilah hasilnya untuk dinikmati oleh semua individu, kumpulan atau syarikat.

Tindakkan dalam melaksanakan aktiviti berkumpulan atau berorganisasi memerlukan ikatan kata sepakat bagi menjana kecemerlang dalam pengurusan kerja dan hidup. Sentiasa dalam jemaah akan memberi impak besar jika dilaksanakan. Dengan azam dan inovasi diri, kita harus berani merubah keadaan untuk melangkau kelemahan diri demi kehidupan yang lebih bermakna. Sentiasa pasif dan nagetif dalam zon selesa ataupun berada dalam acuan lama harus diubah dengan kesedaran akal, keberanian hati dan keyakinan diri.

Kurangkan sempadan sifat malu untuk yang sepatutnya serta jangan terlalu merendah diri sehingga kita gagal, buktikan siapa diri kita yang sebenarnya, kongsikan kehebatan dan ilmu yang ada untuk merasai rezeki di bumi Allah ini, semuanya terlalu luas untuk diterokai maka terpulangah kepada kebijaksanaan kita untuk merubah batu menjadi berlian atau helaian ringgit menjadi jutawan. Apakah kita selesa bersendirian disepanjang hidup hanya berbangga dengan piramid purba?.
Tahniah kepada yang memahami wadah berkumpulan....